This page contains information about our Next Level Sports program at the program facility. Please review the information below carefully before your arrival.
199 Churchill Ave, Woodside, CA
The map indicates points of arrival as well as our practice and game areas within the facility.
Parking: Please come to Woodside High School, located at 199 Churchill Ave, Woodside, CA. There are two adjacent parking lots located just past the main entrance on Churchill Avenue (see map)
Facility Entrance: The main field is right next to the parking lot. Practices will be held on the grass baseball field past the Performing Arts Center. The main field is also accessible from the practice fields through a nearby entrance.
Spectator Expectations: Spectators are permitted to sit in the bleachers on either side of the field only. There are very few covered areas in the stadium, so spectators should be mindful of this on particularly hot or rainy days
Concessions: Snack shack will be available behind the scoreboard. We expect cash and electronic payments to be available.
Bathrooms: Bathrooms are located towards Churchill Avenue, behind the scoreboard.
If you have any questions about the facility, please email us at