This page contains information about our Next Level Flag Football program at Pitman High School Football Field. Please review the information below carefully before your arrival.
2525 W Christoffersen Pkwy, Turlock, CA 95382
The map indicates points of arrival as well as our practice and game areas within the facility.
Parking Area: Please come to John H.Pitman High School at 2525 W Christoffersen Pkwy, Turlock, CA 95382. Please enter off of N. Kilroy road into the designated parking lots.
Game and Practice Area: After you park, please walk to the south side of the football field where you will find coaches with a table to help guide you to where you need to be. Athletic facilities are on the north side of the campus. Games will be held on the turf field and team practices grass fields located between the football field and Kilroy Road.
Spectator Guidance: Parents are allowed to stay and watch games. All spectators must remain outside of the track/ field area; outside of the fence that borders the track surface. There are no bleachers so please bring chairs! Parents and family members can bring snacks, but they must be eaten off of the track and turf area, outside of the fence that borders the track surface.
Restrooms: Bathrooms are located southeast of the stadium right next to the entrance, through the black gates that surround Pitman.
If you have any questions about the facility, please email us at