This page contains information about our Next Level Flag Football program at Rocklin High School Football Field. Please review the information below carefully before your arrival.
5301 Victory Ln, Rocklin, CA 95765
The map indicates points of arrival as well as our practice and game areas within the facility.
Parking Area: Parking is located off the entrance from Victory Lane. Park in the main parking lot located at the front of the school nearest the gym facilities. The stadium area is a short walk up the hill from the parking area past the gym facilities.
Stadium Entrance: Please enter the stadium through the main gate on the north side of the Stadium next to the snack shack. Upon arrival, please meet on the track near the snack shack by the home side stands as we will have a quick Introduction/Welcome Meeting from Coach Bochi and the Rocklin Student Head Coaches. Please consult the map for the pathway towards the stadium entrance.
Bathrooms: Bathrooms are located just as you enter the stadium area.
Spectator Guidance: Spectators will be allowed to view games from sidelines. Please bring pop up chairs if you desire. Spectators will not be allowed on the field directly.
Other Guidelines: Please pick up after yourselves – trash, water bottles, bags, cleats etc! We do not bring in professional cleaning services to clean our facility. No gum or sunflower seeds are allowed in the stadium/field. No dogs are allowed at any Next Level Facility at any time (unless a guide/service dog).
If you have any questions about the facility, please email us at