This page contains information about our Next Level Flag Football program at Live Oak High School Football Field. Please review the information below carefully before your arrival.
1505 E Main Ave, Morgan Hill, CA 95037
The map indicates points of arrival as well as our practice and game areas within the facility.
Parking Area: Parking areas are located at 1505 East Main Ave. From E. Main Ave turn directly into the student parking lot on the southwest side of campus (black gates before you get to the admin building, directly across the street from Guglielmo Winery). Then proceed to the farthest end of the parking lot closest to the stadium.
Stadium Entrance: Please enter the stadium at the very end of the parking lot through the ticket booth gate. All athletes will meet their coach on the track before heading to the practice field.
Bathrooms: Bathrooms are located just as you enter the stadium area.
Spectator Guidance: Spectators will be allowed on the track to watch games until otherwise noted. Spectators will be allowed to set up chairs and pop ups on the track during games. Please allow space for social distancing.
Pets: Please no dogs or other pets unless they are service dogs.
If you have any questions about the facility, please email us at