This page contains information about our Next Level Flag Football program at Lovejoy High School Football Field. Please review the information below carefully before your arrival.
2350 Estates Pkwy, Lucas, TX 75002
The map indicates points of arrival as well as our practice and game areas within the facility.
Parking Area: Parking will be on the home side of the stadium at 2350 Estates Parkway, Lucas, TX 75002.
Practice and Game Area: After you park on the home side of the stadium, please find the back practice fields as the practice area and the games will be played at the stadium. All participants and spectators will enter through the home side gate.
Spectator Expectations Spectators will stay on the sideline of the practice fields while watching practice. During games the spectators will sit in the home side stadium seating.
Bathrooms: Bathrooms are located on the home side of the stadium and the visitor side of the stadium nearest back practice fields.
Food: The snack shack will be located on the home side of the stadium.
If you have any questions about the facility, please email us at