Next Level Sports Logo

Hooper Stadium

This page contains information about our Next Level Program at Nevada Union High School. Please review the information below carefully before your arrival.


11761 Ridge Road, Grass Valley CA 95945


The map indicates check-in and drop off areas as well as our practice and game areas within the facility.

Facility Guidance

Parking Area: Please come to 11761 Ridge Road, Grass Valley CA 95945. Enter the facility and park in the upper lot closest to the entrance to school (see map). The lower lot closer to the field is under significant construction.

Stadium Entrance: Once parked, please head toward the stadium on foot (see map) to the entrance. All program activity will take place in the stadium. For practices, please wear tennis shoes/sneakers and then change into cleats for gameplay on the field, if desired.

Spectator Guidance: Parents are welcome to stay for the program. All spectator seating will be located in the bleachers. Please clean up any and all trash.

Bathrooms: Public bathrooms will be open and accessible in the stadium and are located on the east end of the field.

If you have any questions about the facility, please email us at