Next Level Sports Logo

University of Oregon Practice Fields

This page contains information about our Next Level Sports program at the program facility. Please review the information below carefully before your arrival.


2735 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR 97401


The map indicates points of arrival as well as our practice and game areas within the facility.

Facility Guidance

Parking Area: Please come to the Oregon University Practice Fields and park in the Moshofsky Center Parking Lot at 2735 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR 97401. If needed, overflow parking will be held at two additional lots (see map for details). Please enter campus through the East Entrance as identified.

Stadium/Field Entrance: All guests will enter the Practice Fields through the ramp located on the West side of the Moshofsky Center. See map for clarity.

Construction Notice: There are a few street closures that will be taking place around the Autzen complex that could affect your travel.

From now until May 31st, 2024, traffic will be reduced to one lane of traffic going West and one lane of traffic going East on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard by Leo Harris Parkway. Traffic control cones and signage will direct traffic and a fence will define the construction zone. Additionally, the west entrance of Leo Harris Parkway will be closed.

To get to the Moshofsky Center Lot and Autzen Stadium parking lot to park, you will need to use the East entrance (entrance closer to PK Park and Pape Field) of Leo Harris Parkway during this time.

Please review the below diagram and allow yourself extra time when arriving!

Bathrooms: Bathrooms are located in the Duck Store for patron usage.

Spectator Guidance: Spectators will be allowed to watch the games from the sidelines. You may use pop up chairs. We ask that you please stay off & out of the way from the Game Fields.

Pets: Dogs or other animals are not allowed in the facility. The only exception is for service dogs.

Other Guidance: Drinks/Snacks can be purchased at the Duck Store (located right outside the Practice Fields) which is open from 10:00AM to 5:00PM. You can purchase snacks, water, Gatorade, energy drinks, Oregon apparel, etc.

If you have any questions about the facility, please email us at