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Guyer High School Football Field

This page contains information about our Next Level Flag Football program at the Guyer High School Football Field. Please review the information below carefully before your arrival.


7501 Teasley Ln, Denton, TX 76210


The map indicates points of arrival as well as our practice and game areas within the facility.

Facility Guidance

Parking/Arrival: Please come to 7501 Teasley Ln, Denton, TX 76210. Enter directly across from Hickory Street Apartments and follow signs to parking. There is plenty of parking in the available lots (see map). Please! DO NOT PARK ON GRASS OR ON ANY PULL THROUGH/SIDEWALK/FIRE LANE. THIS IS FOR YOUR SAFETY. Your vehicle will be towed if violated.

Stadium Entrance: The Game Field is known as the "Top Field" and is located near the Guyer Football Field House (Left from the parking lots) and enclosed by a track, bleachers, and scoreboard. The practice area is located West of the Top Field this season out by Teasley Ln. Please see the map for more details and arrive in advance to walk to your practice and game areas.

Spectator Expectations: All spectators are allowed to sit on the field/track with chairs (within reason) so long as the seating arrangement does not interfere with the playing of the games. If you are sitting near a game field, you are not permitted to enter the field of play at any time that the game is being played. You will be removed from the area or possibly the premises if breached. Dogs are only permitted on campus if specific contact has been made about the need for a service animal.

Restrooms: Bathrooms are located on campus near the home side of the game field. Signs will be posted for your guidance but also please see the map

Concessions: No Snacks or Concessions will be provided at Guyer Football Facilities.

Other Guidelines: Remain respectful of all parents, participants, and patrons viewing the games. The coaches are responsible for ensuring that all trash has been removed from the Guyer Football Facilities before leaving Guyer High School. Leave the place better than you found it. We want to remind everyone that this is a no- smoking/alcohol-free campus. We ask that all subsequent rules and regulations regarding Texas High Schools be followed to ensure the health and safety of all individuals involved with the teams playing at John H. Guyer High School.

If you have any questions about the facility, please email us at