Next Level Sports Logo

Sierra Canyon High School Football Field

This page contains information about our Next Level Flag Football program at the Sierra Canyon High School Football Field. Please review the information below carefully before your arrival.


11047 Desoto Ave, Chatsworth, CA 91311


The map indicates points of arrival as well as our practice and game areas within the facility.

Facility Guidance

Parking Area: Please come to Sierra Canyon Athletic Complex, located at 11047 Desoto Ave, Chatsworth, CA 91311. There are very strict parking procedures placed on us by the city. Please strctly adhere to the parking procedures as outlined. There are 3 options available:

Option 1 - You may park in the small lot adjacent to the field. There are 50 spots in this lot, and it fills quickly. Once filled, this lot will be closed, and the gates will not be opened for any reason other than cars exiting.

Option 2 - You may park on either side of Rinaldi Street (East of Field). It is an easy walk to cross Desoto Ave and walk into the complex. There is also limited legal parking on Desoto Ave.

Option 3 - You may park in the Upper School Parking lot located at 20801 Rinaldi Street, Chatsworth CA 91311. This is an easy walk to cross DeSoto Ave and enter the complex.

DO NOT AT ANY TIME Park in the neighborhoods near the lower campus, or on the lower campus. We are forbidden from any time of drop off or parking near lower campus/surrounding neighborhood. Also, do not drive down Independence Ave or Variel Ave for any reason. Cars going to Sierra Canyon are forbidden from using these streets.

Stadium Entrance: See the attached map for stadium entrance and the dependency upon which option you choose for parking. Games will be on the stadium field and the practice areas are TBD at this time.

Spectator Guidance: Spectators can watch the games from the bleachers. Nobody other than players or staff will be allowed on the field. No one outside of Sierra Canyon and Next Level Staff are permitted to walk in the back alley behind the field. That is strictly for Sierra Canyon and Next Level staff. There is no parking and no entry there.

Restrooms: Bathrooms are conveniently located in the stadium.

Concessions: Snack Bar will be available during games and will be cash only.

If you have any questions about the facility, please email us at