This page contains information about our Next Level Flag Football program at Maxwell Family Field & Memorial Stadium. Please review the information below carefully before your arrival.
2227 Piedmont Ave, Berkeley, CA 94720
The map indicates points of arrival as well as our practice and game areas within the facility.
Parking Area: Parking is located under Maxwell Family Field in the Stadium parking garage located at 2175 Gayley Rd, Berkeley, CA. There is an hourly fee for parking under Maxwell Field. Additionally, meter parking around the city will be free on Sundays.
Field Entrance-Maxwell Family Field: The program this season will be played in both Maxwell Family Field and Memorial Stadium. Maxwell Family Field access is just north of Memorial Stadium which sits on top of the parking garage. Upon arrival you will see a Bear statue on Piedmont Ave. From the statue, walk straight and to the left of the stairs until you see an entrance for the practice field to the left. If you are parking in the parking garage the field will be directly on top.
Field Entrance-Memorial Stadium: For access to Memorial Stadium, all families are directed to enter theough the North Tunnel of the stadium. Veer right of the statue toward the stadium.
Practice Areas: For all team practices, practice areas will be on the field prior to your scheduled game time.
Spectator Guidance: There will not be any stands on the practice field, so parents and families are encouraged to bring chairs and can line the sidelines of the practice fields. For Memorial Stadium, all spectators are to sit in the stadium bleachers to observe the program. Please clean any and all trash.
Restrooms: For Maxwell Field, restrooms are available for use at the field level (see map). For Memorial Stadium, the only available restrooms are located in the North Tunnel.
If you have any questions about the facility, please email us at